Most of us who were of age remember that after OJ Simpson (“The Juice”) got acquitted by a jury of his peers, he proclaimed he wanted to find the “real killers.” Of course, he had to say something to that effect because that’s exactly how an innocent person would feel! If you’re going to feign innocence, you have to go all the way.
But let’s not be presumptuous with the word “feign.” After all, The Juice was acquitted, and the evidence against him entirely circumstantial — there were no eyewitnesses to the crime. But despite the verdict the reason I imagine most people assume The Juice was guilty is there’s no other good explanation for why his ex-wife and her friend were savagely murdered in the fashion they were. It was obviously a crime of passion, not a robbery, and it also accounts for The Juice’s odd behavior after the fact. I won’t rehash all the details — anyone can look them up — but people presume it was The Juice even more so now because after 30-odd years that is still far and away the best known explanation for the facts of the case.
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In late 2019 when a novel coronavirus emerged in the city of Wuhan, only meters away from a Level 4 bio-lab that happened to be doing gain-of-function experiments on coronaviruses, some people made the inference that the virus probably leaked from the lab. When it was discovered the lab had been cited for safety violations in the years prior and the Chinese government was stonewalling investigations into the origins of the outbreak, that only made the lab-leak hypothesis even more plausible.
Nonetheless, the corporate media and many government officials, among others, ridiculed the idea of a lab-leak as a “conspiracy theory,” some going so far as to call it racist! The virus, they argued, surely came from bat caves 1,000 miles away or from animals in the wet market where some of the early cases were detected.
But while the zoonotic hypothesis was a possibility it lacked the same explanatory adequacy as the lab leak. For example, what animals at the wet market introduced the virus, and how did it jump to humans? Apparently, there were no bats at that market, so how else did the virus get from the caves 1,000 miles away to Wuhan? Moreover, if the virus were of natural origin, why would the Chinese government stonewall the investigation? In that case you’d expect them to want to prove a world-wide pandemic hadn’t leaked one of their labs.
Eventually more details emerged about improbable DNA sequences and FOIA requests showing even scientists at the NIH suspected it might be a lab leak before being ordered to stay on message. But the biggest reason I’m more than 99 percent sure the virus came from a lab is there is no competing hypothesis that adequately accounts for all the observed evidence, just as there is no other known person with a motive and opportunity to kill Nicole Brown Simpson.
If someone came out of the woodwork next week, confessed to the murders, explained all the evidence, how he framed The Juice, and it accounted for everything we know more thoroughly than our current hypothesis, I would be shocked, but also forced to change my mind. If someone explained how covid did in fact come from a cave, traced its journey to Wuhan, accounted for the coverups, etc., I could be persuaded to change my mind on that too. This isn’t about politics — you will go very wrong if you base your beliefs on what is permitted or polite instead of what has the most explanatory power.
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I know many people are not paying attention — perhaps they find it stressful for obvious reasons — but there is an epidemic of excess all-cause mortality in the western world, starting in about April of 2021. In the US alone it’s in the hundreds of thousands, and covid deaths, which have declined precipitously since their peak, do not come close to accounting for it. This should be the front-page story in every major news outlet, but the corporate media either are not paying attention themselves or know but prefer not to alarm (and inform) their readers. Whatever the reason they are not covering the 500-1,000 excess deaths (three plane crashes) per day just in the US.
Those who are aware will naturally wonder about the cause. What is the most obvious explanation, the one that fits the observed reality most adequately? Is it long covid? If it were, we should have seen a spike in non-covid (non-acute covid, that is) excess mortality in mid and late 2020, but we did not. Moreover, while many viruses have lingering effects for some, people don’t typically die from those effects en masse.
Is it the effect of the lockdowns and missed cancer screenings? While cancers are surely up, if that were the case, there would be a disproportionate rise in cancers for which there is early detection and not those for which we don’t screen. But both the screened and unscreened cancers are up, so missed screenings don’t adequately explain the increase. Moreover, if lockdowns and delayed treatment were the cause, why did it take until spring of 2021 to have a measurable effect? Surely, some of the non-covid excess deaths from those measures would have appeared in late 2020 too.
If only there were an intervention, the timing of which better explains the excess deaths, the mechanism of which were known beyond doubt to have killed many people, the administration of which was nearly ubiquitous across the western world. If only there were such an intervention one could investigate that wasn’t a deranged conspiracy theory, like O.J., our corporate media, CDC, FDA and medical establishment could find the real killers!
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I’ll just finish with this thought: while it’s obvious what I view to be the overwhelmingly likely cause of so much excess death, it doesn’t matter whether you agree with me or not. What matters is for people to acknowledge this is happening, urgently investigate every possible cause and pursue an explanation, politically palatable or not, that most adequately accounts for the observed facts.
Interesting read. Would you please post your source for the extra death information? Also, I have read reports that more people got the flu and RSV this last season, if so, do you believe the cause for that is the same for this increase?
"What excess deaths?"