Don’t ask me how I know this — if I described it even vaguely I’d be putting people at risk. I don’t care about myself anymore. The world has become so ugly, a bullet to the back of the head would be a mercy killing.
The information I received is the following. React to it how you wish:
In early 2023, there will be stories about a Chinese surveillance balloon in US airspace, allegedly taking high-resolution photos of US army bases and and other strategically significant structures. That will turn out to be real, but what’s unusual is the Pentagon allowing the public to know about it. Normally, they would say it was their own and not publicly acknowledge allowing a hostile aircraft over US soil.
The reason for its disclosure is the balloon will come to be known as the cause of a second, much deadlier pandemic than Covid, one that affects — and kills — younger, healthier people including children. They will be able to test for this new virus, and they will find it everywhere, alleging the balloon was a WMD that dispersed aerosol particles widely over the country.
My source told me the new virus will in fact be far milder than Omicron, will kill virtually no one, but it will be contagious, and many will test positive for it. This new virus will be used to explain the alarming recent rise in all-cause excess death and justify renewed safety and security measures like lockdowns and vaccine passports.
Most importantly, it will absolve the large pharmaceutical conglomerates of accountability for the myriad adverse effects from their mRNA covid products while opening up new lines that purport to address the novel virus. It will also be used to drum up popular support for war against China, now viewed as an inevitability for arms manufacturers eager to bring their next generation products to market.
I do not know any of this information for certain, and I am not at liberty to say why my source is reliable without compromising his safety. I will leave you only with the last words he spoke before going off line:
“There is no evil of which these people are not capable. The most difficult challenge in awakening resistance is not in conveying the plausibility of the mechanism, but the nihilistic depths of the men working its gears.”
Very plausible!